Thursday 17 January 2019

Who Left the Footprint?

On Friday 11th January...something left an enormous footprint in year 1!

All classes received a huge shock when they returned back from assembly. Their classrooms had been destroyed, tables were turned over, pencils knocked over, chairs everywhere but one thing was left a footprint! 

Year 1 had to turn into detectives and find out who left the footprint?

All the day the children took in turns to enter the footprint crime scene and take samples to try and find out who left the foot print? Other groups had a go at printing and rubbing with different materials, we even jumped on bubble wrap to see what marks it would leave. We then tried to rescue dinosaurs from ice eggs, become archaeologists and discover bones and fossils! 

Throughout the day we started to be given clues about who left the footprint, we received some special post to tell us about out new exciting theme and found out a dinosaur visited our classroom for the day. It is now our job to find out about different animals and their species, to look in more detail at dinosaurs and research a special lady who found the first fossil! 

What amazing detective work year 1! We can't wait to be resilient this term and learn more about dinosaurs! We will keep you updated!


Who left the footprint?