Please find your home learning for the day.
Remember to upload a photograph of any work you have completed to tapestry.
Numeracy Reading and writing the time to o'clock (Part 1) In this lesson, you will be reading and telling the time to o'clock. https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/reading-and-writing-the-time-to-oclock-part-1-69jk6t
Geography What is an ocean? Welcome to our first lesson on our new unit called the Oceans and Seas. Today, we will be learning about the 5 oceans on our earth and the location of them in relation to the 7 continents. We will be ordering them in size and discussing why the oceans are always in motion. In this lesson you will need a pencil, a piece of paper or an exercise book and your wonderful brain. Let’s get started! https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/what-is-an-ocean-crrp6e
Science How can we record wind direction? In this lesson, we are going to be learning all about the wind. Wind is when air moves. We cannot see wind but we can see it moving objects around us. We will then be looking at types of wind and conducting a wind logging experiment. https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/how-can-we-record-wind-direction-6rrk8c