Please find your home learning for the day. Remember to upload a photograph of any work you have completed to tapestry.
Literacy- 'The Magic Paintbrush' To explore how writers create mood In
this lesson, we will create our own 'mood toolkit' by reading as a writer. Please click here: https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/to-explore-how-writers-create-mood-6xhp8c
Numeracy- Finding half of a number within 10 In this lesson, we will find half of quantities within 10. Please click here: https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/finding-half-of-a-number-within-10-6gtkjc
Music- In music we are exploring 'Timbre' Exploring different ways to use your voice In this lesson, we will be learning lots of different ways to use our voice and decide which voice is best for a particular song. Please click here: https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/exploring-different-ways-to-use-your-voice-6wrk8c
PSHE- One big family In today’s lesson, we will explore how we are
similar and how we are different. We will think about how we are all different
and read 'There's enough room for everyone' by Anahita Taymourian: https://tinyowl.co.uk/find-a-book. The children
will then celebrate their differences by creating a paper doll chain, showing
how we are all unique. Please click here:https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/one-big-family-cthp2c