Please find your home learning for the day.
Remember to upload a photograph of any work you have completed to tapestry.
Literacy To write a story with clear moods (Part 2) In this lesson, we will continue to write the Magic Paintbrush story, focusing on the mood created. https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/to-write-a-story-with-clear-moods-part-2-c8v62c
Maths Comparing numbers within 10 In this lesson, we will count and represent sets. We will then compare two sets, deciding which has more and which has fewer. https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/comparing-numbers-within-10-c8vp4d
Music High and low sounds: Identifying them In this lesson, we will learn the difference between high and low sounds, how to identify them and how to use actions to show high and low https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/high-and-low-sounds-identifying-them-6xhkcr
PSHE Team player In today’s lesson, we will consider how it feels to belong to a group. We will explore those feelings and think about experiences that have made us feel secure and content. The children will then create a job advert listing the qualities needed to be a team member. https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/team-player-6mrpcd